[Baby Humans] Post the Hikikomori/Avoidant things you've while out in society recently! [Part 2] (80)

75 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-10 10:26 ID:z1lH/C6s

I'm a first year at university, and it has been 3 weeks since I attended any of my classes. I live by myself and only respond to my parents phone calls from over seas pretending that everything is alright.
Going to the classes suddenly became bothersome, I hate the Subways, The lecture halls and tutorials. just going to the university makes me feel stupid and frustrated. In high school I slacked off all my time, doing nothing and only attending the classes and I got to a top university with a 84% average. But this place is different, I have no idea what the fuck the profs are talking about, its just too hard.
Last week I almost set the kitchen on fire, part of the ceiling melted and fell on the pan and started to burn. I had to wash the whole place cause everything was smoked, the damn kitchen walls were the hardest and almost black, took me 6 hours to get them. And guess what the day before yesterday I almost did it again, I left the pan with hot oil on again, but this time I got it before there was any fire. Now at the slightest noise I jump up and go to the kitchen thinking there is a fire.
I'm starting to believe that I just can't save my own ass,I have no freaking Idea what to do now, the program which I am in is REALLY hard and requires a lot of time, there is a midterm in 36 hours and I don't know jack shit about the subject
God, I hope there was reset button somewhere.

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