Everytime I go out.... (43)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-12 17:02 ID:EyQm248O

The whole thing just rams home the basic fact that im a loser with no social skills, and possibly never going to get laid ever in my life.
It's not because of the people, it's me. I went out last night to a pub that the people I know used to go to. I said this way because naturally I have no friends. Yeah, the usual things happened like drinking together, laughing at various things and all this, but here comes my problem, that I have absolutely no skills at starting, or even keeping up a conversation. I compose my sentences in a really strange way (not in english BTW, not my mother language), and often I even mess up them, and just stop talking. Yes true, I can't speak my own language. By the way, these things more often happen when im talking to females than
males. Because of these things, after a little while people start to take me weirdly and never seriously. I have geek humour, and I think using that would be a bad idea around non-geeks, so again and again I just remain silent. This happens every time I go out, but seems that I can go out as much as I want my social skills never seem to develop.
I seriously starting to think that I have Asperger's for real, or some other mild class of autism.
Im just so incredibly lonely and depressed. Im 19, obviously never had a girlfriend in my life, due to they seem never think of me other than asexual, when I take myself as a fairly nice looking guy. I have no charisma aswell.

If you understand me, feel free to share your thoughts.
Anyone with similar problems? What can a man do?

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