Everytime I go out.... (43)

17 Name: Otaku half hikki : 2006-11-28 06:57 ID:/lNPVP3S

Most of the people here atleast go out, the only place I go is work and nowhere else. I don't have friends. I want to have friends, generally people don't treat me the same as anyone else. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I have no contact with people, I don't count my work mates as ones, they don't look at me as potential friend, and they don't treat me like everyone else. I tried looking up on the net for friends, and there are alot of online relationship sites around, I had a look around at match.com, ezi friend, and many others, but people I can't find people who are like me. All of them, claims they are outgoing, fun and loving, etc. I don't know if there are irc channels where many Australians go to. I personally haven't tried to find these services until recently, if this goes on longer, I think I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. If you don't know already, 1'm 26, no friends, girlfriends, etc. I can't find people who are like me.

So you see, I'm much worser than most of you.

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