Everytime I go out.... (43)

35 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-11 12:46 ID:jplwTSlE

How should I begin? Lets see, living in a small town with very few or nobody with similar interest I can relate. However, the friends I do have, I greatly enjoy and I also try to embrace the alone time that I do have.
For a geek, a pub is not the ideal place to meet other geeks, find
anime clubs, social events, or any gaming nights that get posted in comic book stores or arcades and have fun! You don't have to know how to play it, just go and they will more than likely teach you.

English is not my first language either and occassionaly I do mess up and my wording come out awkward. My friends find that hilarious and I laugh with them. It gives me a simple uniquness that they cannot have. So, don't feel bad about messing up on words, just apologize and smile or laugh even.

Every anime club I joined, every social event I attended, and every game nights I've been to. I always stand out to be the only asian in the group. But, I never feel different or isolated, I feel connected with my friends.

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