My um...interesting problem (23)

18 Name: Do it!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2007-02-01 06:49 ID:Jyvl3Cgc

Oh geez. Girl. Why on earth are you having sex with a guy in the first place? Stop it. A guy gets a license to drive a car, he gets one to fish, why are you giving yourself to him freely? Just for his love? Do it the right way. Get married. Live your life. Don't waste your time on someone who isnt going to marry you. You giving him sex now..he is getting what he wants without having to prove his love through a promise in front of witnesses.

Sex is the most intimate you can be with any person on earth. It obviously isnt working for you and causing you pain and it is basically being demanded of you when you dont want to have it as much. Stop it. Stop fornicating and live your live. Tell him no one sex until you are married. If he cant handle that or you cant handle that it really shows you are not mature enough to even be having sex much less be in a healthy relationship. Quit hurting your body with his large penis and get things straight in your life.

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