Phobias thread (X_X)[WTF] (46)

19 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-18 20:06 ID:Heaven

I used to suffer from a mild case of mysophobia, as well as some social phobia. The only phobia that really retains its intensity is the fear of being stuck. No, not claustrophobia. For instance someone tying me up would result in a huge panic attack. Even getting caught in a sweatshirt when accidentally taking it off in a sloppy manner makes me panic a bit. I'd probably seriously hyperventilate if someone were to handcuff me to something.
So, BDSM is definitely out of the question for me. I'm glad I never felt interested of that in the first place.

My fear of failure used to be hardcore phobic, but it's getting better and better... Horribly slowly, though. Damned abusive parents.

I used to tell my little sister there were sharks in the bathtub underneath all the foam. It was amusing, but it backfired and gave me a nightmare that night. My sister is unaffected by that tall tale.

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