how to give a blowjob with braces? (141)

1 Name: uh-oh : 2007-01-27 23:25 ID:cCzJMi6y This thread was merged from the former /love/ board. You can view the archive here.

yeah, basically what i said in the heading. how do you do it without...well, hurting the package?

134 Name: A 12 year old : 2014-09-06 11:27 ID:KbJhwbg9

My gf gave me one and it huRt no thank u

135 Name: Ragdoll : 2015-12-07 16:36 ID:327gGpGM

It's not much different to giving head otherwise, i guess it depends on the size and shape of your mouth and lips. I got braces a while ago so I can't really remember how it was before other than I've noticed it's harder to deepthroat but so long as you control your breathing and stuff you can still do it. Besides if you're using your teeth you're doing it wrong anyway xD
I wouldn't be able to survive without being able to give my guy head anyway, fucking love being on my knees so you learn to adapt.

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138 Name: Secret Admirer : 2020-12-18 20:46 ID:AAago46Z

braces blowjobs are heinously anus

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140 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2023-03-21 08:19 ID:QdMGWGsm

you cannot give a bj with braces. please don't argue, our dicks matter a lot to us

141 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2023-05-02 19:11 ID:Heaven

not with that attitude, pussy

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