I like sad RL stories (15)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-14 07:07 ID:Heaven

>I hate those I call "positivists" (I know that's not the term), who are always happy with what they have, never complain, always say "yes" to everything and finally don't change shit to shit.

"Optimists"? I see myself as one, but being happy with what you have doesn't mean you have to settle with it the slightest bit. I'm always striving to improve my situation. I complain whenever I see fit, I am no yes-sayer (those are spineless people, really), and I'm not sure what you mean with the last expression.

>But the fact is if you are unhappy, you are unhappy, nothing can change it unless you change it yourself.

>>1, Listen to this anon, >>2 is very right. I used to be horribly miserable, then I actually did something about it. Now I'm actually happy with my (improved) life most of the time. That however doesn't mean I'm going to let my situation grow stagnant. Time changes constantly, so should you. Always strive to better your life and feel good about the things you do have in the process of growth, happiness will follow.

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