A personal issue alright (44)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-28 21:35 ID:y6uX5hga

I'm a boy lusting pedophile.

Now what?

(in b4 kill yourself)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-28 21:52 ID:PY4qRt3y


How old are you?
If it's just cartoons I can understand, they're cute yes... but I don't see how you could have a sexual desire for young children.

Have you sought out help? perhaps even killing yourself?

One less pedophile.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-28 22:22 ID:x7zpNNtV

Professional help, etc.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-29 04:58 ID:h9syjxk/

>>1 if its shota, stop watching and distract yourself, you will eventually get over it. If its actual people seek help, especially if you work with children (or deliberately found yourself a job in that area )

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-29 05:20 ID:PY4qRt3y


Yeah, like that guy is going to be able and admit to a person in real life that he's a homosexual pedophile.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-29 11:04 ID:h9syjxk/

>>5 professional help is more confidential than this board, there are rules for it and they work well.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-29 20:20 ID:q33PAcjc


  1. Download child porn and E-Mail it to the federal police.
  2. ???
  3. Professional Help!

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-29 20:52 ID:tT/yH9KT

If you try to get professional help, more than likely you will end up jail lol.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-30 07:30 ID:Heaven

>>8 = true story.

We need more details before we waste any more time talking about this

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-01 15:17 ID:Heaven

Not if you haven't actually, you know, done anything. And if someone has fucked kids, then I'd quite frankly prefer to see him/her in jail anyways.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-01 22:46 ID:Heaven

Po-Ju makes the world gay. :)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 10:18 ID:xDWAwQ52

OP here. Had to take a while to build up the courage to look at the responses.



>If it's just cartoons I can understand, they're cute yes... but I don't see how you could have a sexual desire for young children.

Although I can understand perfectly how you can separate the two, it's hard to deny that there isn't some connection. The conditioning upon the real ones, feeling disgust and shame among all the other emotions, give the illusion it's something completely different than the drawn ones. But as time passed, I found it increasingly difficult to fool myself into believing it's fundamentally different.

>Have you sought out help?

If I had, I wouldn't exactly be asking you guys.


>if its shota, stop watching and distract yourself, you will eventually get over it.

Even heard of people with whom that approach actually worked?

>If its actual people seek help, especially if you work with children (or deliberately found yourself a job in that area )

I don't work with children.

How do you imagine they could help me? Since when is there a cure for pedophilia?

Yeah, that too.

Actually, if a therapist would classify me as being a danger to society, he has the ethical duty to report me. I don't know of merely being a pedophile is enough, but I'm not willing to risk it.

13 Name: Human!3pI2s8EqCA : 2007-05-04 10:25 ID:mf3RSL7f

My answer really depends on whether >>1 is a female or a male. If female, I say go for it. You'll make a couple of kids' dreams come true and give them a smug expression to explain to their friends.

...Off the record, of course, hehe...

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 14:20 ID:ToJuKCgv


15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 18:34 ID:hevW6Cq2

A professional can help you control your pulsions. Plus, he can help you understand why you have these kind of pulsions. Could help.

If you're not, additionnaly, a schyzophreniac sociopath, you probably wouldn't qualify as "dangerous to society". Which, safe your respect, you might be.

You seem rational, so I guess you can imagine what would happen if, let's say one day you're having a bad day, or you're drunk or on drugs or whatever, you happen to do regrettable things to a boy passing by.

If you're sure it's not some phantasm, some kinky thought but really a deep lust, realize it's not something to be taken lightly.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 21:48 ID:ENMYjDL6


>A professional can help you control your pulsions.

Well, impulse control isn't a problem of mine. I don't abstain from all drugs, but I'm never in a situation where I'm drunk among minors, or in comparable 'risky' situations.

>Plus, he can help you understand why you have these kind of pulsions. Could help.

From what I can tell from being taught at school, contemporary psychology explains pedophilia in psychoanalytic terms, which is the same basically unprovable theory that explains heterosexuality as a projection of wanting to fuck your mother. Every psychologist with a basic understanding of the principles of the scientific method, should refrain from being satisfied with such explanation. They basically don't know.

And even if they did now about the etiology of pedophilia, I'm not sure exactly how that would help me. Would a schizophrenic be helped by being told that his lateral ventricles are larger than those of the average man? I mean, this doesn't feel like a mere behavior pattern that I could change through insight.

>If you're not, additionnaly, a schyzophreniac sociopath, you probably wouldn't qualify as "dangerous to society".

I have a sociopath friend (to the extend you can befriend a sociopath) with who I can compare myself with, so I'm pretty sure I'm no sociopath myself. However, as I age, I get more and more embittered because of my situation. It's that what worries me. I might not qualify as a sociopath, though as far as one can change a personality, I might end up as one.

>If you're sure it's not some phantasm, some kinky thought but really a deep lust, realize it's not something to be taken lightly.

It's lust, it's love, it's the whole package. It's the curiosity in my life I treat [i]least[/i] lightly of all.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 22:39 ID:qrPwQdAv

A lot of people in this thread are talking out their ass. That means anyone who said "go to a therapist" or "kill yourself." Let me ask you people. Have any of you actually thought about what you would do if you woke up one day and suddenly you could only get turned on by children?

It goes against all intuition that a pedophile should go to a therapist. It took me roughly two years of self-hatred and private agony for me to come to terms with myself, but if I had spilled the beans to someone in a weak moment I'm sure it would have been a lot worse. It turns out that I am hardly even a pedophile myself, but I'll get to that later. A therapist cannot cure you of pedophilia. He can do several things: be quietly disgusted by you, go to the authorities, or surrender his feelings and rely on the science of psychology alone to assist you in your suffering. But consider this: pedophilia is currently considered a mental disease in the DSM-4. Our society's reaction to pedophilia is fright, not sympathy. The first two reactions are far more likely than the third. A therapist cannot do anything for you that you cannot do by yourself, and more likely than not you will need to build up your self-reliance and inner strength if you are going to live a happy life. So, put that suggestion aside unless if you become suicidal.

As for the second suggestion. I believe there are many kinds of people who have less reason to live than a pedophile. When I was in my own crisis I would occasionally find examples of this and quietly treasure them. The wide variety of experiences available to you is not limited by the fact that you are a pedophile, as life would be if you suffered from blindness, hemophilia or autism. Each person has their own burden to bear in life, and yours is simply something you can't tell anyone about. As long as you go no further than that, you are safe.

But now to advice. As I alluded earlier, my concern with pedophilia turned out to be mainly caused by worrying too much. I like children, and I liked lolicon at the time. The former is simply one of my virtues and the latter is caused by my retardedly Freudian fear of giving a woman any power (I also like bondage). By fretting over this I formed an association in my mind which took two years to break down. So, allow me to give you a recipe for how to stop worrying.

  1. No child porn. It may provide some thrill to you but it will also increase your worrying because it's illegal. Shota is defensible, if you really can't go without it.
  2. Talk with people in person, as much as you can. It doesn't matter if you're totally lame at conversations because the truth is a lot of people are lame. But the more you act like a normal member of society, the stronger a case you can make to yourself that you are normal. That's not just psychology, it's common sense.
  3. Minimize computer usage or else you will be doomed to post more threads like this elsewhere.

You can't be cured or rescued from your sexual orientation, but you can gain a better understanding of the faults that stem from it, or the mistakes you're making that you have control over. That's all the advice I can give. Godspeed.

18 Name: Human!3pI2s8EqCA : 2007-05-05 07:45 ID:mf3RSL7f

I was kidding, >>14.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-05 12:54 ID:Heaven

>As long as you go no further than that, you are safe.

That was my point. You seem already well documented on your case, so I guess my advice wasn't pertinent. I didn't mean you to change habits and patterns, just to be able to focus on where is "the line" you can't cross. Further than that, it's not psychanalysis or psychology anymore, it's self-control, common sense and awareness.

What I meant basically was that you just have to keep control everytime. Sure, as >>17 said, you have more things to experiment in life than say, a blind man; but a blind man can hardly ruin some other people's life due to his handicap.

I'm not judging you either. We all have beasts in us, with the potential to do wrong; but your inclination means you might direct it towards children, who have nearly no defenses against that kind of situation.

I believe >>17 is right; don't worry too much, because it will only help to build up your problems, stay away from CP (that one seemed obvious, but heh...), mix in the mass, don't seclude yourself.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-08 00:17 ID:357zxd9F

Call the FBI to shoot you down. All pedos have to die a horrible death.

That is all.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-08 01:20 ID:q33PAcjc

Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation.

A pedophile can not have a normal sexual relationship. When the object of his affection grows up, he loses interest. This is purely exploitive, and acting on these impulse only cause great suffering for everyone involved.

Don't blame society like some unemployed hippie or bitter televangelist, get yourself help or get yourself castrated.

Once again,
Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation.

22 Post deleted by moderator.

23 Name: anonymous : 2007-05-09 00:00 ID:jAoOnAES


24 Name: WHAT!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2007-05-09 01:03 ID:i3QMlHKf



25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-09 04:04 ID:MZfUjQao

LOL, are you fucking kidding? You think he has a fetish, and he's a pedophile because he LIKES being the dog turd on the shoe of society? Maybe you think gay people can just think positive thoughts and they won't be gay anymore, too?

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-09 11:41 ID:nYrL4x6n

You don't need to cut your dick off...just your balls, you know castration...good luck!!!

27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-09 14:50 ID:h9syjxk/

>>25 wtf are you talking about? pedophile is voluntary. and its no more attractive than the sex drive all males have.

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