Real Depression and "emo" difference? (13)

1 Name: Confused : 2007-05-30 08:59 ID:bms3KtRs

Okay so I'm 20, i live a decently normal life, nothing strange, daddy didn't touch me. mommy never hit me. Just normal middle class. But I'm a very depressed person, I've though of suicide and have a habit of cutting sometimes, I just get lonely, very much so, I have friends I get out, I've had a gf, I have a job, but at night when i'm alone, I'm lonely and depressed.

I feel afraid to talk to people about it or express how sad I get because people are made fun of so much for being "emo" I don't want to be stuck in a catigory with people who are sad at hair in their eyes and screaming music, I'm not an emo, I'm just depressed.

What can I do? I can't get help for fear of letting people know how depressed i really AM.

I just don't know what to do.

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