Friend Problem (a lot to read...) (13)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-28 04:18 ID:XnvcIbR4

Grow a backbone girly. People take advantage of people like you. It doesn't matter if he says shit about you because his credibility's gone down the drain.

I attract people like your friend because I appear to be "nice" and "generous". Basically, short of being a total pushover. I'm so used to people trying to exploit and take advantage of me. But because of my nature, I'm quite often in the position of seeing people for who they really are. They don't realise until it's too late, that I'm really not the bubbly, sometimes clumsy, pushover person. They get surprised by my bluntness, but also intimidated. Don't get me wrong, I like helping people. But I won't let anyone manipulate me in the process.

Being kind to people nowadays is hard.

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