[ENCOURAGEMENT] Thread - For People Like You and Me (22)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-14 12:46 ID:rth+ad8b

>>9 Lemme put it like this: at 21 I was a nerd as much as any I have meet online or in person. At around 25 I became an otaku as well. Now, at 28, I'm still a bit of an otaku, am using my nerdnes and geeksnes at my work because I can actually use them there - and had two relationships in past 2 years. Dear >>9, you are just 21. Nothing to worry about, just go read some Dale Carnegie (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dale_Carnegie) and put some time into studying how non-geeks and non-nerds communicate (think of it as skills you'd need if you'd be sent to an away mission to another planets culture ^_^). That's about all there is to it :)

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