Life falling apart (16)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-24 01:36 ID:XKuGjOuW

I'm a junior in High School; I want to get into a good college but I'm failing every class because I'm missing Hikkikomori levels of school due to illness, not to mention that I'm kind of lazy; If I fail any I won't graduate on time; This lack of time in school also makes for few friends; I had Neuro-Psychological testing that suggested Aspergers, which I wanted to follow up on, but of course that never happend (-_-); When they tried giving me Anti-Depresents, they caused more depresion and anorgasmia; When they tried giving me Anti-Psychotic they caused depresion and anorgasmia; When I take my abusable drugs as recomended or not at all my parents and shrink say I seem "doped up;" When I actually do abuse drugs, they say I'm "back to my normal self;" Doing drugs is also the only way that I can not completely despise school; And now my shrink thinks I'm Pschizophrenic.

The one thing I have going for me is that I'm incredably intelligent (please don't let any spelling errors fool you.) I'm taking more AP classes than not. But, for example, my AP English teacher and I have competely different styles and tastes in writing, not to mention that I apperently misunderstood the course description, because it consists of composing the most formulaic drek possible.

Please help.

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