Half my life story. Please judge me. (42)

26 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-27 18:22 ID:ZB42qRJT


If you were being a jerk to them it's kind of obvious that they'd be a jerk to you. Also, your definition of "jerk" is way too sensitive. They weren't starting shit with you, were they? They probably had their own problems to deal with (because that's how kids are), don't take everything so fucking personally. I knew people like you in school, massively misaligned sense of self-entitlement, think people "lower" than you should either worship, cower or submit at some level to your self-absorbed bollocks. Fuck off.

Not that your problems are insignificant, in fact you should've probably seen those people you picked on as kindred spirits, or heard them out. Or at the very least fucking left them alone.

Who cares if this thread is 7 months old?

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