Seventeen year old virgin (68)

35 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-12 05:02 ID:XLlffnuu

ITT we have:

  1. Loser virgins complaining about it.
  2. Loser virgins equally as pissed about it but trying to pretend they don't care.
  3. Loser virgins saying they're waiting for "someone special".

Number 3 would be admirable if it were true, but it's not. I'd like to see how >>8 would react when a girl pushes him down onto the bed and begins rabidly humping his crotch. He'd fuck the shit out of her, whore or not. Humans aren't made for logical reasoning when it comes to sex. We're filthy animals, and we'll have filthy animal sex.
If you're going ot be a virgin, don't be a loser virgin. Admit that women hate you.

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