Recovering/Former Hikkomoris? (100)

52 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-12 09:02 ID:Wub2zuzZ


Hi. You're full of it.

You want someone to enable you and feel sorry for you. You don't want to face up to the fact IS that goddamned easy. Get off your ass and feel free to join the workforce/society/academia. You just want to wallow in self pity and helplessness and be some wannabe protected species.

Fuck that noise, Charlie.

I was pretty goddamned hikkikomori or whatever. That's what reclusiveness is...

I didn't go fuck anywhere didn't do a goddamned thing....until finally I said "Fuck it...Life's a bitch and I'm gonna dance" and got off my ass and on my feet and got back into the game.

What you really need is someone to say "Dude, you're fucking up. Yeah life sucks....suck your titties for a while...nurse your wounded pride and cowboy the fuck up and get back out in the world."

No...that would actually solve your problems. You just want an excuse to do fucknothing.

but hey I could be wrong.

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