A hatred towards emotionally-weak people (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-27 14:15 ID:7TCDaJea

Lately, I feel despise over people who are, yes, EMO.
It's like, I've been there, I know how to get out of it, but why can't people figure it out?!
I find myself despising emotions, because they are indeed beginning to show itself as a sign of weakness.

Now I think that an iron will and an iron feelings is what it takes to survive the world.

If people do shit to you, beat em up good instead of crying how the world hates you. Revenge is valid as with self-defense.
If people unreasonably disses your artwork, blackmail them and screw them over, and twofolds.
If people attacks you unprovoked, do the world a favor and kill those who attack you.
Don't kill yourself; kill those who want you dead. Kill jerks, assholes and bitches. The world doesn't need more of those.
You are the captain of your body. Never let anyone tell you how you should live your life.
Everything has consequences. What goes around, comes around.
If you hurt people's feelings unreasonably, know that it will come back to you in another shape or form.
If you feel sad, find something to do.
If you can't find something to do, travel.

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