College Dropouts (68)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-17 05:22 ID:8TKUTsfI

I quit doing drugs my freshman year and had a mental break down. Not just like smoking weed, I was taking 12mg and xanax a day and shooting up herion.

I haven't dropped out, and I'm only in my sophomore year. You shouldn't really care about the college experience, because quite frankly it isn't that great.

Just keep doing what you do now, but don't spend most of your time locked up inside. I don't know where you live, but just walk around the city or visit a mall. You could even go to the park or ride a bike, they are both very peaceful and help out greatly with anxiety. I've gotten to the point were I somewhat look foward to the next day. It may be the same shit, but there is alway that small chance that something incredible may happen.

tbhq, I don't enjoy college very much. It's a lot similar to highschool in all respects. The only reason I am going is because I will be the first person to graduate college in my family and parents really want me to go. My parents have tons of money, but I will never ask them it. I do have interest in a psych degree, but in honesty, I do not think I would use it for anything.

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