College Dropouts (68)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-04 15:38 ID:8VTiY2da

I'm a female high school dropout. I still live at home with my father, but he's never around due to his job. I can't drive, and I have no friends. I was a recluse for three years, until I decided that I missed smelling fresh air. I began walking around town and saw a "Volunteers Needed" sign on a thrift store window. On a whim, I began volunteering. I volunteer three times a week, working at the food bank. Somehow, giving boxes of food to drug addicts who will be dead in the next few years makes me feel a lot better about myself. The old Christian ladies I work with have convinced me to get my diploma through an online program, and to go to college. Seeing those ladies, so late in their lives, really helps me. They tell me stories about surviving the depression and living through wars, and it quite simply makes me feel ridiculous for being depressed over my life. If those old ladies survived through all of that hardship, and now here they are smiling and helping their community, surely I can do something good with my life.

I don't make money, I don't have any friends. But damnit, I'm happy. I play online games, and I get a lot of respect from the people I play with. Even though it's lame, it really makes me feel important and needed. Try to develop some hobbies, OP. Being in a position where people need you and rely upon you might really help your situation.

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