I have no friends! (100)

83 Name: Lonely-chan : 2008-11-11 17:34 ID:5ciKuEt/

At 17 I'll assume you're in some sort of schooling, right? I made a bunch of friends through gaming at school, just don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Give out your gamertag/Steam name/whatever most gamers would love somebody to play with when servers start to empty out.

Also, put yourself out there, friends rarely find you, you need to go get them. Last year I set up LAN parties at college every Friday Try looking at social events at the mall and consider giving someone a lift home. It often starts with a small action which would lead to a brief chat when you bump into each other again, at this point getting their number (male or female) is a great idea.

Keep us updated!

PS if you don't mind having friends online, IRC is a great place to chill out and chat without there being too much pressure on you to be extra social. I wouldn't recommend going in with a feminine name though...

I really should stop assuming but I'm guessing you have a job, talk to the people at work! Consider asking to take a few out for drinks after work one Friday even if you don't want to drink, just get a glass of orange juice and relax. If, by chance, you don't like them, stick with it and keep meeting them outside of work and they'll introduce you to their friends over time, especially if they know you're new to the country. Before you know it you'll have your very own social circle!

But if anyone wants to email me go ahead, I usually check everyday: ivory.keys@gmx.com

Haha yes, that was a fun night :) I didn't hear the end of that for a while. I'll probably be on IRC later, see you on?

I think most of us that are like that spent a lot of time alone as children not having to learn to cope with other people, now we're a little older we have to deal with it but haven't the tools. I'm sure it can be fixed, maybe if we spent more time around the people that frustrate us the most?

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