I have no friends! (100)

89 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-12 02:36 ID:6tr1fbNP

>>80 here..

Actually, I'm not in school, but I will be starting college in less than 2 months. I don't have a job, either, but I've been -thinking- of getting one.. I've never had one and I'm really nervous about it. About joining clubs and such, I was in the video game club for a year or so, but I never really had much fun. They mostly were into Halo/UT/other FPS games so that's all we played, and those aren't my type of games. Plus, many of them were annoying and/or didn't bathe... Not to mention, I'm a girl, and most of them were guys. For some reason I tend to think of men as a different race or something, and find them hard to talk to/act around, even when I like them or want to be their friend. I just get nervous and act really awkward, my mind begins to focus only on how I am coming off to the other people, rather than what we're actually talking about, which leads to problems..

So as you can tell, I'm not good with people because of my self-consciousness. However, I really would like to try and make some new friends. I have plenty of online friends, but it's just not the same as being face-to-face with people.

I think I took somewhat of a step forward today. I forced myself out of the house and went to Gamestop. The guy at the register was really nice, so when I went to pay for my game I made myself start some smalltalk by asking a question about the game. It actually made me feel better. However, now I'm wondering, how the heck do I actually make friends by doing things like that?

Well, any help would be appreciated.. thanks. :D

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