Relationship without a future. (24)

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-17 16:52 ID:Jib2/mYT

She had a best friend before we met each other, but when we started to get closer she started to shut that best friend out of her life. Just like you said. She started to spend all her time with me and didnt care about that person anymore. That ex-bestfriend got depressed, cried a lot cause she realized that she is losing her and wont get her back. Ive always feared that it would happen again. That she will dump me like her best friend 2 years ago. So its obvious that she will dump me as soon as she finds someone better than me. And about breaking up...
i dont really want too. Things are going quite well for now. What should i say? "Hey i really love you, but im breaking up with you cause i dont trust you enough and think that our relationship will break anyway. Sorry for taking 2 years of your life, breaking your dreams, your heart the rest of your self-confidence and everything else you had."

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