My life as a hikikomori (86)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-21 09:04 ID:t7jP3YVh

I seriously doubt that anyone is going to have a definitive answer for you. Looking on the internet at some discussion board really isn't going to help you all that much. Ok, so it might a little...all of this is probably helping a little bit...Anyway, you need to understand that there is no "big answer" and that all of this is a process. I'm a recovering Hikki...whatever...myself. And those are the biggest things I've come to realize. All of this just takes time. You need to take little steps. Start going outside. Go for walks. Get familiarized with the outside. Then, go to the store...get used to being around people. Then, (I know you really don't want to...who does...get a job. Even if you don't need one, of feel like you need one, get one anyway. Trust me it will help. And all of this doesn't need to happen over night. Like I said, it takes time. (And some effort on your part!) It's all about how badly you want this for yourself. I hate to sound like a parent/therapist, but it's definitely the truth. If you really want to get out of your parent's house...then you need to take the steps to do that. Trust me...I know its hard. Just remember...your not alone. And there will always be somebody there to help. Good luck.

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