My life as a hikikomori (86)

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-21 10:40 ID:yf4NYZ6O

shit, people like you piss me off. you go around feeling bad about yourself and believe that there is nothing you can do about it even though you don't even try to change anything by yourself. On top of that, it sounds like you don't even have a real problem, you're just a lazy, undisciplined person who never really tried anything for himself, but already decided in your mind that it wasn't for you. Can you read the future or something? How do you know if you're going to enjoy something or not if you haven't even tried it?

get over yourself. There are people out there who have had far worse problems than you did, but didn't sit on their ass wondering why their life sucks so much. They went out there and fixed it with their own hands. why shouldn't you be able to do the same thing?

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