My life as a hikikomori (86)

38 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-25 05:33 ID:t7jP3YVh

>>36 Peace of mind? How can you have peace of mind when you're dead? You won't have anything. And you think it's selfish for people to expect you to live? Dude...killing yourself is about the most selfish thing you can do! You're basically saying, "I don't care about what other people think, or how it will effect them; I'm just doing this for myself. Look, if you have enough money saved up to go to Japan, then do it. If nothing else it will be a breath of fresh air, and a change of scenery, (which it sounds like you desperately need.)

Once again man, just don't give up. You need to give life a chance. You have no idea what it has in store for you. Try it out. If you don't like it after oh...60 or so years, then fine...then kill yourself. Just don't give up. Please.

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