My life as a hikikomori (86)

42 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-26 22:34 ID:dcmoV6Dc


Hehe, almost like myself.

I have spent 2 years after highschool at home, just went outside a few times, if it was extremly necessary.

But i have finally come to a conclusion.

I will be consequent and won't lie to myself anymore.

To achieve my dreams, you need extra-ordinary intelligence.
I don't have it.....

Well, i will still try and start to study at an university.

I use all my potential i have.

If it is not enough, it shouldn't be this life.

Then i will die happily.

And this is what i am gonna do.

Success or Death.

This my philosophy now.

My interests (dreams) would be:

  • Molecular Nanotechnology
  • "Antigravity"
  • Fusion-energy
  • Holographics

and some other.....well, i am dumb to be honest, so chances are really really slim.

But if i kill myself now, i will be unsatisfied because i haven't tried.

Wish me luck (and intelligence^^) for both.

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