My life as a hikikomori (86)

43 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-27 13:48 ID:ZieOgJCc

You guys just seem to consign yourself to fate too much, despite most of you claiming to be atheists. Look, it's not a cruel world, but it is one where everyone has to look out for themselves. If you want to change your ways, then no-one else is going to change them for you. You need to get off your ass and change. You need to stop saying 'I am a hikikomori' or 'I'm a /b/tard LOL I'm stuffing up my life', because at the end of the day although it might be funny on the internet for a while, and it might be easy to have self pity, you guys have to realise that you have only one life, and if you want it to go somewhere you need to make it do so.
I recommend starting off with some form of exercise, just going for walks or even to a gym, physical exercise not only has a huge positive effect mentally but also gives plenty of excuses for social interaction. Good luck!

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