My life as a hikikomori (86)

66 Name: bingo : 2008-08-24 00:37 ID:zieHVLyd

Hi, Mr. Solitude. Man, never heard of a problem like this before, maybe i just don't get out enough. It sounds like you're not especially depressed, you're not anxious, paranoid, and it looks like you are capable of intelligent thought. You're just really bored. And anything anyone suggests you just push off as being as boring as the boredom you're in now. I only hear of two things you would like to do: go to Japan, or kill yourself to get away from the boredom. Nothing else will do, except sitting around being bored. So maybe you should start playing a game: destination Japan. You should first start by gathering up money, not only money to get you and a friend to Japan but enough to get you back home if you have to run back home because Japan was either too exciting or too boring for you. Find someone else to guild you along in the outside world of Japan. Don't just pick someone random, pick someone who is intelligent, reliable, and can be a guide to you.

And if it doesn't work out for one reason or another you can hitch an airplane ride back to your room and continue your solitary existance. Or perhaps not even give it a chance. I do wonder how you argue that everything outside of your room would be just as boring as being in your room since you never go out of your room anyways.

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