My life as a hikikomori (86)

80 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-20 21:36 ID:HzdHpy1n

My point is that if you really want to change, it's going to need a lot more than just getting out of your house and getting a job or something like that. I think that you would have a better chance at it if you moved out of your parents' house and changed everything about yourself. Abandon all of your hobbies (preferably don't even get a computer or a gaming console at your new house), change your tastes in music, movies and dressing style to something fashionable, start going to bars and clubs to get drunk (I'm somehow getting the impression that you don't like to drink alcohol; neither do I, but I'm sure you have also realized that not drinking isn't really socially acceptable, especially at your age. It's better to get used to it sooner than later), start hitting on a lot of girls. Since you're not attending any school and don't have a job, it shouldn't be a problem to devote half a year or so to this. Once you've become a more socially acceptable person, you could get into some sort of school, and by now, you should have absolutely no problems getting friends and start living a fullfilling life. It's a lot of work, but it's what everyone else does; other people just go through it at a more natural pace through their teenage years.

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