First post. I need a reason to get moving in my life. (15)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-29 14:14 ID:vMbnW6/v

I was you exactly at your age. You'll be exactly me at my age. That's 26. Nothing will ever change, because you'll never start hating the way you live enough or start loving the alternatives enough. I've looked for ALL the reasons. I have found none to my taste. I've tried so many times, but always failed. If you do not care you'll never have enough motivation or energy for something. Everything I ever do is for others, to conform to fit in, or because they want me to. Me, I want nothing. To be perfectly honest, I don't care so much about my computer, my games and my artistic shit either. I'm good at art, I get job offers. I either botch them due to lack of motivation, or don't accept out of knowing the outcome. I could make a living but living at all isn't very appealing to me.

It's not like I wanna die or kill myself. But if someone for some reason would ever get the idea to end me, I would smile, grab his hand and say "thanks". Then I'd lol and die.

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