First post. I need a reason to get moving in my life. (15)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-29 16:45 ID:mXZfC0FF


Look at it this way, OP.

It is up to you to determine what you want out of life. Do you want happiness, or do you want prosperity? I do not mean riches per se, but rather, success -- whether it be money, love, fame. Prosperity can induce happiness, and happiness can motivate you to prosperity.

The thing you need to determine is, what do you want from life? What will make you happy? Don't force motivation -- but look for happiness. It sounds to me as you are content with what you are doing, just not happy.

Don't force yourself to go to college or work a job that you're not happy with. Fuck the people who expect you to be like everyone else. Your happiness is more important than your success. What is the point of having a six-figure job, a pretty wife and two kids if you're not happy with that position in life? What is the purpose of even LIVING if all you are doing IN life is spending all your energy TO LIVE? Spend your energy to ENJOY life, fuck spending it to stay alive.

If you play any MMO's, then you can look at it this way: There's a healer and a tank in a group. The healer tries to conserve mana by healing less. But the tank dies when the healer has 50% mana! Why? Because he's not getting enough heals. It's better to see the healer OOM than the tank dead at 50%. Of course it's best to have them both alive and with mana, but that would be a rare occasion in real life.

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