preparing for college (12)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-19 05:49 ID:eza4O9b0

Student loans are very hard to get right now. I can tell you that from first hand knowledge. However, it is possible to get one from a few select banks. Look around on the internet and apply to what looks best. I was able to get a loan from Chase Bank a couple months ago. It is the only way I am able to go to college right now (I just quit my job, looking for new one). My advice is: Apply for a loan ASAP. They take a while to get approved. You might not be able to get a loan for a huge amount to cover your entire living expenses (tuition, books, rent, food, etc.), so you should try to get a loan for just your tuition and books for now, if you can, even if you are just borrowing for an amount to cover one year's worth. You CAN get multiple loans at different times during your college education. That is what I am having to do. Use the tuition calculator on your school's website to see how much tuition will cost. Also, you should be able to get a small government loan, which are very good loans. Every bit counts. Do the FAFSA to apply for those. I would try and get a job....anything....soon, too. Try and save up so you don't have to worry too much about money by the time school comes around.

Apply like mad to scholarships. Even if you think you might not get them. Try and utilize every avenue you can think of. Times are not good for college students economically (more so now than ever I'd argue), so desperate times call for desperate measures. Good luck!!!

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