What do I do everyday as a hikikomori? (45)

39 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-05 21:05 ID:Heaven

FYI I'm not the one who did the shit talking, but the one that tried to discuss with you. If you're not familiar with the concept of anonymous boards, let me give you a hint - more than one people might bear the name "Anonymous". I'm not chasing after anything, I'm just talking. If you wanna heat up and go all defensive, your problem dude.

You've been the one being assertive, and I was just pointing that out. I don't feel like proving anything to anyone; I just like to exchange with people. Well, looks like there's nothing more to say here - sad, for someone who claims to love philosophy (though I notice now that you're talking about beliefs).

That said I saged this thread all along because I didn't think it was that interesting for the board, for what it was and for what it was becoming, but it looks like you won't stop bumping it. So, I'll rejoin >>38's position and stop posting here altogether.

Good luck for your "personal thoughts".

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