Gross/weird things your partner does that are kind of cute (8)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-22 09:52 ID:7+LNsLuY

>>1 you have a funny one. ^_^ My girlfriend also has a couple of oddities:

  • When in private, she tends to suck her thumb like a baby, although she's an adult. ^_^')
  • While sucking her thumb, she likes to continuously twist a piece of cloth. She can sometimes grab a piece of my shirt and do her stuff while I'm sitting next to her. She's very specific about the type of fabric she likes, and will test my clothes before I buy then to check that they are of the "right texture" o_O')
  • She enjoys warming herself with a blowdryer. She can spend hours with the blowdryer directed to her, while sucking her thumb and twisting her cloth. Did I mentioned that she also likes the NOISE? *_*')
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