A Racial Fear (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-25 09:24 ID:zgLTjWPM

Recently, I had a very engaging talk with my Japanese teacher from high school regarding an exchange program. I found out that he's head of the committee that oversees a sister city program for teachers from the US to Japan. He said that once I graduated, he could get me into this program and I could start teaching English over in Japan once I finish college. Up until now, I was stoked at the prospect of going to Japan and teaching English and he also said that the program would cover my living expenses, provide room and board, and provide me with income. So for a while, I was very excited about this exchange program, but the recent world baseball championships began to worry me. I am a Korean. Mind you, I'm completely Americanized so I myself hold no grudges against Japan however, what I have recently became afraid of is how Japanese people will perceive me over there, seeing how they're already xenophobic. I guess what I fear is that the kids will try to make my life hellish because of the fact that I'm Korean and a teacher, or the administration, seeing how they're older and more likely to still be holding on to old grudges. I just want to know if these fears are unfounded or that I might have to unfortunately decline my teacher's offer.

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