[Gross]Odor, possibly caused by infection of some sort[Brewing] (34)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-01 12:58 ID:LBKPJeUH


Subsidized? What is this socialist nonsense of which you speak? :P
(No. You pay full price, even at a GP, unless you have insurance, usually provided through your workplace.)

Also, I don't know if I mentioned it, but there's really no itch. Just a little reddish, almost scaly (don't know if that's the right word, the skin just looks... tougher) spot on each of my thighs. There's mild irritation very rarely, but the only real issue is the sweat (it's almost more of a discharge than a sweat) and the odor.


I might try and find another pair of pants made out of a different material, but I'll definitely try the briefs. It's a little more support for the jewels too, so maybe I'll even start running again. I like the freedom that boxers provide, though. D;

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