[Gross]Odor, possibly caused by infection of some sort[Brewing] (34)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-29 13:11 ID:LBKPJeUH

Definitely not normal BO. I honestly don't know to describe the odor, but it's definitely linked to sweat-like stuff that comes out of my inner thighs. It doesn't just smell like "didn't take a shower", like, I can smell it 30 minutes to an hour after I get out of the shower, if I'm wearing khakis that don't breathe and get even the littlest bit sweaty. It also itches and is somewhat irritated sometimes, but like >>2 suggested, the irritation isn't really linked to how hard I wash it or not.

I find that some Gold Bond keeps it at bay, but it only does so much, and only lasts for so long. D:

Also, you weren't supposed to just wear the garlic around. XD It involved a mixture of cayenne pepper, garlic, and olive oil, all of which have fungicidal properties. I'm pretty sure the idea is to apply it on a day where you're not really going anywhere, and spend a good bit of time scrubbing it off.

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