I just want somone to fucking hug me. (59)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-04 22:46 ID:YtDJOqlW

Really. Its all I want yet no one seems to care enough to hug me. I haven't been hugged by someone in a few years. It seems like if I want a hug I have to start it myself. Is it that fucking hard to hug someone? I shower, and keep myself nice smelling.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-04 23:49 ID:gB4yyNA6

( ´`)b ( ^^)>{we love you OP!}<(^_^ ) @~~(ª ª =)

(# ^3^) [don't give up showering] ( U_U)y-~~

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-04 23:58 ID:5IP37zP3

come visit san francisco, there are always people offering free hugs on SFSU campus around here

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-05 03:30 ID:3d3V9td3

I want a hug too, the last time i was hugged was in highschool, and that was a horrible greeting hug from a mean girl.

5 Name: Kari : 2009-11-05 14:23 ID:tvOg3a40

If you really want just hugs then how about asking for hug from family member or a close friends?

and people dont normally randomly hug each other, someone allways have to start it and if it has to be you then you just wanted the hug more than they did nothing wrong with that.

So keep on hugging and they will realise that you are huggy person and start to get courage to hug you back on their own.

ps. my suggestion is risky if you hang out with friends that are not very sentimental.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-05 18:25 ID:d0bDyHfq

...or they will start to avoid you to not be hugged anymore.

;) joking of course.

But yes, do ask family and friends if you need it. It works.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-05 19:56 ID:27QTmfD9

go to college parties with lots of drinking and drunk people. drunk people love hugs. probably why 3 said to visit SFSU.

8 Name: marucita : 2009-11-05 21:59 ID:m+C5UyUq

I understand how you feel, as I experience the same. I remember being really down and thinking "Damn, if only I could get a hug ,sayingeverything is going to be fine", although it might be a lie, but sometimes lies are necessary!.
And yes, it must have something to do with not knowing how to ask for it, or giving the impression you´re a strong independent person, not sentimental or just cold...so nobody would ever imagine how much a bit of affection would help.
I have no solutions for you, as i wonder myself the same...but at least you´re not alone in that feelings.
A huge virtual hug :)
Btw, I kinda suspect I satisfy a bit my necessity of affection through the virtual world, though it´s absolutely not enough or worse than the real world...do you think it might work that way a bit,guys?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-05 22:27 ID:YtDJOqlW

Op here: Thanks everyone I thought this was going to be one of those threads that no one posts in and it sinks to the last page.
>>2 Don't worry. I am not the type of girl to just stop showering.
>>3 San Fransisco is a bit far from my New york. So that isn't even close to an option.
>>5 I have done this and my family never got the hint. My mom freaks out if you touch her.
>>6 or that.
>>7 I dont enjoy party's where people drink. I dont like how it makes people.
>>8 The virtual hug only makes me want a real one more. ^^:;

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