I just want somone to fucking hug me. (59)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-04 22:46 ID:YtDJOqlW

Really. Its all I want yet no one seems to care enough to hug me. I haven't been hugged by someone in a few years. It seems like if I want a hug I have to start it myself. Is it that fucking hard to hug someone? I shower, and keep myself nice smelling.

54 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-24 19:40 ID:XxoaR/Vx


55 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-02 04:00 ID:vPK20Gd3

I'm ok. How are you?
How are you?
I'm ok.

56 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-15 23:53 ID:1k4G/p0E

You're okay.
So am I.
Harmony man.

57 Name: Manonymuse : 2013-03-19 05:46 ID:0nkcjK8S

Addiction to stimulation; dependency on novelty; abundance of technology; overbearing media --- you cannot find a physical human amongst 10,000 Anonymous Internet posts.

Nobody lives online, only reflects.

58 Name: Anna : 2013-03-26 20:22 ID:0VWR3SoR

I really just want a hug from a boy because I can never get a hug from my brother (we fight a lot) and my dad gives uncomfortable hugs and he is pretty dirty. My mom only gives hugs that last a few seconds. I feel really lonely and I have acne on my face... But is that really a reason to not hug someone? And what makes it worse is that I'm only 11 years old. I want a real nice long hug.

59 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-28 11:01 ID:hipLxryG

I'd gladly hug you, I really would. I feel completely amputated from the world.

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