what the f is wrong with studying hard? (15)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-30 15:43 ID:GZ03rr80

this course means alot to me, i like the content and so i study extra hard for it.

i know i'm not the smartest person so i put in considerable effort.

some friends and even my own girlfriend is giving me a hard time for being too 'intense' while studying and other crap about me being 'scary' when i study and nonsense like that.

it's not like i face my book all day without a break.

i just prefer to focus when i study and not go on MSN at the same time cos i can't keep my train of thought when people are IMing and i prefer to finish a whole chapter or section before i take a break.

how the f is that scary and what's the fuss about?! They're making me feel like a freak.

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