getting a break; kinda (28)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-16 07:20 ID:Ilq3I7Wn

Well, i know this place is always flooded with bulletins, about people being sad and everything; hell i even posted one myself a few months back.

Now skip past everything all the drama and the angst of talking about your depression, going to the hospital, getting checked out by a psychiatrist, etc,etc. I am currently in the 11th grade(yes i know im young) and my mother suggested to my principal that i take the rest of the year off.

So, here i am, doing nothing almost every single day, which is blissful for me, but however also very troubling. You see i was suppose to take this time out, to figure out what i want to do in my life (apparently one of the psychiatric evaluations said i was indifferent to life, which i am, but thats for another thread somewhere else)

so its been about 1 and half month, and day by day, hour by hour, seems to just go on.

I really suck at deciding my future, and planning stuff out, and im still really depressed (mom doesnt believe in pills, also subject for another thread)

so any comments or ideas?

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