getting a break; kinda (28)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-18 17:13 ID:llqR4YTN

Ah...okay. Well, no disrespect for your mom but her idea sucks, haha. Taking a vacation from life's responsibilities won't help. It will only serve distract you from anything that was originally bothering you in the first place. Then when your year of relaxation is up, real life punches you in the face and you're back into the daily grind. If you're going to be stuck at home for a year, I'd suggest getting a part time job at the very least. It will help kill time and you'll have some cash in your pocket to have fun with.

As for planning out your future, all you really need to think about is college/university. You'll need a degree within the next few years if you expect to find a secure job. Take it easy until then, but do some research about it. Once you hit 18 you should have an idea what you want to study, and hopefully be in classes by 19. If the life of school + degree + job sounds depressing...unfortunately it's the reality for every one of us. I'd rather work for a degree than unskilled 9-5 labour all life. For example, I loved movies all my life, so I studied journalism in school and became a video journalist. Now I travel all over the world for some French news company.

Nobody but yourself can fix your problems. Your family can help you along the way, but only your own self determination will change anything you have problems with. Whatever stands in your way can be knocked down, you just need a reason, however superficial, to keep trying.

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