getting a break; kinda (28)

15 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-20 19:25 ID:16XvSg5X

>>11 It sounds to me like you've never actually tried working out. I think you don't understand what people are trying to tell you. Of course jogging won't cure a tooth ache, but excersizing and eating healthy will make you feel better and give you more energy. I didn't used to believe that it was true myself, but I've experienced the effects first hand.

A while ago I also spent a year shut in to my room, I suffered from depression and I thought about ending my life. Eventually I decided to change my life for the better though and started going outside, eating healthy, working and going back to school.

Sometimes I still want to stay in my room and not go out, but overall my life has improved ten fold. Now I socialize and I have a beautiful girlfriend who loves me. No matter how shitty life can be, actually going out and doing something still beats living like some wanna be hikikomori anyday. At least when you go out there are always chances of great things happening, even if they rarely happen, at least there will be the chance.

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