getting a break; kinda (28)

2 Name: : 2010-01-16 11:41 ID:9SE/m7Z4

I'll try to keep it short.

  • These pills are not 'happy pills'. Those would be illegal drugs. Pills used to treat depression are roofers. Explain her what is quetiapine or how serotonin works.
  • This is the second time I'm labelled as long time unemployed. It means I haven't been doing much in the past 3 years. I surf the net, play games like there's no tomorrow and sleep. Haven't felt alive for 20 years.
  • Life sucks, most of the time people just tolerate it. That's why we need movies, books, narcotics, games etc. - to keep us somewhat sane.
  • There isn't a single 'normal person' on the planet. No matter who you take under surveillance, that person has fixations that could be deemed to fit into one of the syndrome's or such. I am positive that somewhere out there is a person who acts just like anyone else, except s/he can't get an orgasm unless s/he stuffs strawberries in their ass and sing children's songs.
  • Life isn't a game. There is no goal or highscore to be displayed at the end. If life has an ultimate point to it, it's darn well hidden. Life is eating and pooping untill you die. There's nothing glorious about that.

I would have killed myself years ago if I didn't have hope that I actually might live long enough to see the end of the world. If that happens, it would make do with all shit in my life.

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