getting a break; kinda (28)

21 Name: : 2010-01-22 14:51 ID:9SE/m7Z4

>>19 2/2

I am depressed because all I have faced is immorality, injustice and poopie heads. My body is like a 1968 Toyota and my serotonin levels are deemed low. I'm poor because I don't have a rich daddy or a job. I'm alone because I don't think it a good idea to date some airhead whome I couldn't appreciate. Besides, how could I stand someone else if I barely can stand myself? Sorry, that was repeated. I don't want pity, it's irrelevant. I've written only because I thought that, perhaps, I could raise some new thought, mainly for OP, but others as well. Sure it also helps me to 'think aloud' my own thoughts, not to mention the practice of English I also get. And I have been trying to improve my situation. I'm attending.. uh,
'upper secondary school for adults' where I'm trying to finish them unfinished studies. It's an idiotic system, requiring me to understand how foreign grammatics work, who ruled what part of Dingadonga somewhere in the antique or figuring out how many trucks will be filled with apples if each apple is dried and pulverized. All this so that I can get back to my further professional educations. It's frustrating.

Life isn't black 'n white. People aren't either happy or sad, healthy or ill, beautiful or ugly. People are just people and each of them have their own problems, their own flaws and strengths. Life would possibly be more toleratable if people used their ability to think from another perspective at times. It seems that most are furiously fixated on their own point of view and refuse to see other PoV's. Once that kind of a person has made up their mind, there's nothing that can make them change their thoughts about it. History is an extremely important player in the present, but when those who have the power to do things differently, nationally or even globally, are the kind of people who refuse to see the flaws of their actions, well, it is depressing.

For the record: these, of course, are just the way I see the world, from my point of view. I am always open for other ideas, ways of thinking with the small requirement of tenability.

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