i'm 21 and i feel so old, i'm still living in the past and now i lie about my age (30)

9 Name: Max : 2010-04-20 06:18 ID:YVsTwGZH

thanks for the answers guy my 22nd b-day is 3 days away and i'm terrified. Its all i been thinking about this past month. For the person who asked why do i feel like i'm competing or have to compete with teenagers.. Well, i feel i need to look as young as them, skinny as them, have the same "cuteness" as them.. Just have that whole naive, crazy, teenage attitude. I'm not looking forward to getting older i'll say that much. I;ll always feel nostalgic about 2002-2006 I was in highschool, had no worries, skipped school and caused trouble. I;ll never be able to feel that FREE again. That youth. its just i miss it. :(

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