Getting Rid Of Annoying Guy (19)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2010-10-23 01:23 ID:rpUmgSU7


In situations like these where the guy just doesn't get the hint, you might have to cut off his dick. Slice him apart. And here is where life gets tricky. The problem with being a girl is that you have to sift though all the losers to find the guy you click with. And that tends to vary, but it's usually a guy who will respect your space no matter what. Guys who cling to women don't respect themselves, nor do they respect anyone else.

I like someone very much. But I knew I wasn't her type. So I told her that I liked her, she rejected me, I moved on. I still like her, but I don't stalk her. If she wants to hang out, fine, if she doesn't, fine. That is how most men handle that situation. Because if you can't take rejection, or can't be rejected, how do you learn? It's the bitches of society that make boys into men.

You may not want to do it, but you have no choice. It's like failing a student to get them to wake up. You have to destroy his self-esteem so much so that he leaves you alone for good.

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