I'm an adult and can't look after myself (19)

18 Name: Theremin : 2013-02-17 20:03 ID:2SOoUV4h

I am 25, live alone, and I can't support myself financially, despite my best efforts and intentions. I have spent years dutifully improving my ability to live on my own, in the sense of the taking care of ones living body, and immediate environment, and you know, it has been terribly hard at times to live amongst the human race. I forced myself to find methods to everything, and repeat them, and engrain it, until I could naturally do something such as go out to buy groceries, whether or not I'm having a good day, or a bad month. I may go at weirder hours, to avoid the crowds, and I may be unable to pass it from my mind for a long time when the cashier is a dick to me, and I'm always, always doing it by myself (everything by myself), but I can get it done.

My greatest boon was starting to cook my own dinner, daily, or as often as I could, being a teen living at home at the time, from the age of, I don't know, 17 or 18ish.

[19-23 sees my life flayed apart, damaging many things for an unknown time to come]

Since moving out (BEING moved out by parents...), I've had to rely on myself for everything except the rent, which many things have come together to highly diminish my ability to actually pay, which is a shame. It's another thing entirely, but I've tried working, hard, at least, before concluding that my basic ego-sustaining behaviors are often unacceptable and viewed as objectional by society at large.

I can remember some of the very thoughts I had, growing up, before something tripped, and it all went downhill, but let me state this to any isolated, lonesome, underappreciated, underacknowledged individual who may be reading:

As close as I've felt I've come, at times, to dying off completely, maybe even literally, even if you have no faith in yourself, hurt yourself, or worse, you can still cause growth and betterment, with a careful examination of what needs to be done, the simplest way to go about it, and repetition of the act. Recite it to yourself, if you must, with only the walls to hear you.

I wasn't trying to do anything specific, wasn't particularly "resolved" to do this or that...this stuff just needed to get done, and I am universally bound to view every moment of life from only my own two eyes, staring out of my brain, inside of my body, for the entirety of my life. I won't ever occupy another body, healthier or worse-off. This is the only way that things exist from this boat of perception which I am inexorably within.

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