I'm an adult and can't look after myself (19)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-17 05:40 ID:dKIx2kLF

I'm kind of the same, OP. I'm only 20, and my situation isn't as bad as yours, but I'm completely unable to take care of myself. I'm always afraid of everything, to the point that I can't leave the house or open my mail for fear something terrible will happen. Throughout my childhood my mother did everything for me, so I don't really know how to do basic things like talk to strangers and be responsible for anything. I've spent most of my life as a shut-in and I was pulled out of school in the 8th grade, so I have no social skills and I'm awful in school. I've been abandoned or betrayed by almost everyone I've ever trusted or cared about, so I have trouble trusting people and telling the truth about my problems as well.

I kind of have an excuse, I have schizoaffective disorder and severe OCD, but I still feel like I'm a complete failure and utterly useless. I really just want someone who will take care of me and make me feel safe again. I can't trust my own thoughts, so it would be nice if there was someone I could trust to tell me what to do with myself. I haven't been truly content with my life since I was 10. Even if I'm physically an adult, I'm still basically at the developmental level of a child.

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