I'm an adult and can't look after myself (19)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-17 11:15 ID:dEQbXS5+

Hi Pathetic Man, I can understand that you are enduring massive amounts of pain because of your self-hate and boredom, I have known similar circumstances. Let me suggest you a way out of your predicament:

What you need is to slowly change your lifestyle and acquire the proper skills to raise your autonomy and self-confidence. Just realize that you need to have very modest goals, take your time, and be deadly serious and consistent about it. It takes months of repeated practice for new habits to set in. What you need to do first is modify your daily routine into a more healthy and sustainable one. Stick to a strict timetable, the same whether you work or not (don't oversleep during the week ends). Give yourself enough time to sleep (something like 7 hours), so that by 23-24 you are in your bet with lights out, and that you get out of bed at 6-7, every single day of the week. To achieve this, you must cease any activity at 22h, so that you are calm enough to start sleeping at 23, for instance. It may take you a long time and effort to manage that routine, but you need to be very strict about it.

Get used to go out of your place three times a week for one to one hour and a half. You can stroll in your neighborhood, go around town, use a bycicle, whatever. Just do it systematically, and try to find the best times in your schedule to fit that activity. Once this habit is entrenched, you can start to use that time to jog, swim, whatever sports activity that suits you. But be certain to always move out of your place those three times a week, always at the same days, same hours. Be fanatical about that ritual.

Choose one half a day in your week to do your house chores. During that time, clean your place, wash your clothes, make sure your kitchen is clean. Always reserve the same day and time to do that activity, and never, ever allow yourself to do anything other than house keeping during that time.

Same for shopping: reserve about three hours in your week to do your shopping. Keep a shopping list, so that you don't forget stuff when you do go out shopping.

If you manage to keep all that up, your doing good, and being less of a pathetic man. You should then think about going to the next level, which is to start cooking. Cooking is a very important skill. It's a way of relating to others, and essential to keep yourself healthy. You can't do well if you eat shit. Cooking can be very simple or very challenging, it all depends on what you want to do. And it's very nice to eat tasty food, so it's a skill that really repays itself (not to mention that it saves money). You should start with very modest goals: cook extremely simple food, and learn to keep good logistics (know how much to buy so that stuff does not rot in your fridge, what to buy and when so that you have what you need when you are cooking). There are plenty of nice videos on the internet that show you how to cook, starting from basics. Learn from them. Start simple and healthy, read about what's a good diet (lot's of fruits, vegetables, etc), and devise something that is good for you and that you like to eat. As you start to get more experience, you can become more ambitious, and perhaps even buy a little more hardware. It will probably take a year for you to cook decently, so don't rush, but be consistent. Your goal should be to eat as little processed food as possible, and cook stuff that is tasty and healthy. You will be doing good when you do not buy processed food anymore (pizzas, etc), and are not afraid of cooking for others. Because it's often considered harder to cook for oneself than for others, you should consider starting a cooking journal, where you write down what worked or failed, and start developing your interests. Cooking is a necessity, but can also be a rewarding hobby.

If you manage all that, you won't be a pathetic man anymore. Remember that people can only like you if you manage to like yourself enough to care for yourself. So learn the ropes, and have fun doing so

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